University of Nevada

Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Behavioral Analysis from the University of Nevada

The University of Nevada appears in our ranking of the Top 25 Best Applied Behavior Analysis Programs.

The University of Nevada offers a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a specialization in Behavior Analysis through the College of Liberal Arts. The program provides comprehensive instruction in behavior analysis enabling students to develop an advanced understanding of theoretical concepts.

The degree requires the completion of a total of 120 credits, including general education courses, psychology courses, and specialization courses. The psychology courses include Physiological Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Perception, Human Memory, Abnormal Psychology, Child Psychology, Basic Principles of Psychotherapy, Multicultural Psychology, The Psychology of Aging, History of Psychology, and Philosophical Criticisms of Psychological Research. The specialization courses include Ethics in Behavior Analysis, Elementary Analysis of Behavior, Applied Behavior Analysis, Research Methods in Behavioral Analysis, Experimental Analysis of Behavior, Radical Behaviorism, Principles of Psychological Assessment, and Field Experience in Behavior Analysis.

Featured Programs

Graduates of the program are eligible to take the examination to become Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analysts.

About the University of Nevada

The University of Nevada is a public institution of higher learning residing in Reno, Nevada. It was established in 1874 as the first postsecondary institution in the state of Nevada. It began as the State University of Nevada in Elko, Nevada. It moved to Reno in 1885 and graduated its first students in 1891. The school experienced extreme growth from 1907 to 1936. By the 1940s, the campus was used for varies Hollywood movies. By 1958, there were 2,000 students and new colleges of education were established. Research activities began in 1959. By 1969, more than 12 doctoral programs were offered at the University of Nevada. Today, the University of Nevada is home to more than 22,000 students and 912 faculty on its urban 290-acre campus, and it uses the semester-based academic calendar.

The University of Nevada offers more than 145 undergraduate majors and over 100 graduate programs through the College of Liberal Arts, College of Business, College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources, College of Education, College of Science, College of Engineering, School of Community Health Sciences, Reynolds School of Journalism, Orvis School of Nursing, Graduate School, and University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine. It is known for its programs in engineering, neuroscience, bioscience, environmental science, and biotechnology. The university is praised for its doctoral degrees in humanities, social sciences, and STEM (sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics). The University of Nevada also specializes in research of earthquakes and it houses one of the biggest earthquake-simulation laboratories in the nation. The most popular majors include business, marketing, management, social sciences, and health professions.

In all undergraduate programs, the university instills the Silver Core Curriculum. The Silver Core Curriculum consists of general education courses and specific courses that focus on 14 core objectives that represent the essential competencies for all undergraduate students. The objectives include composition and communication, quantitative reasoning, critical analysis and use of information, physical and natural phenomena, history and culture, cultures, societies, and individuals, artistic composition, interpretation, and expression, constitution, ethics, global context, diversity and equity, science, technology and society, application and capstone integration and synthesis.

The student to faculty ratio is 20 to one, with about 40 percent of classes with less than 20 students. About 93 percent of full-time faculty hold terminal degrees in their fields. Notable alumni from the University of Nevada include John Etchemendy, Nick Fazekas, Gina Carano, Colin Kaepernick, Grant Sawyer, Mills Lane, and Susan Desmond-Hellmann.

The U.S. News and World Report ranks the University of Nevada number 201 in its 2019 edition of Best Colleges and National Universities. It also ranks the university number 109 in Top Public Schools. Forbes ranks the University of Nevada number 327 in Top Colleges, 110 in Public Colleges, 153 in Research Universities, and 176 in America’s Best Value Colleges. The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education classifies the University of Nevada Basic Doctoral Universities: Higher Research Activity.

The University of Nevada Accreditation Details

The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities regionally accredits the University of Nevada to grant bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees.

The University of Nevada Application Requirements

The University of Nevada is deemed less selective, with a rate of acceptance of 88 percent every year. The following materials are necessary for admission consideration:


Featured Programs

  •  Application for Admission
  •  Official high school transcript
  •  Official transcripts from previously attended postsecondary schools
  •  Official scores from standardized tests, such as the SAT or ACT
  •  $60 application fee


  •  Online application
  •  Official transcripts from previously attended postsecondary schools
  •  Official scores from graduate-level standardized tests, such as the GRE or GMAT
  •  $60 application fee
  •  Additional requirements for specific programs

Tuition and Financial Aid



  •  Resident students: $224 per credit hour
  •  Non-resident students: $246.50 per credit hour


  •  Resident students: $274.75 per credit hour
  •  Nonresident students: $302.25 per credit hour

Financial Aid

The University of Nevada offers an array of financial aid options to help students with paying for their higher education. The options include scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study. Approximately 50 percent of full-time undergraduate students receive some type of need-based financial assistance, the average award is around $6,645.


  •  Presidential Scholarship
  •  National Merit Scholars
  •  Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship
  •  Honors Undergraduate Research Award
  •  Travel Award
  •  McNair Scholars Program


  •  Federal Pell Grant
  •  Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
  •  Federal TEACH Grant
  •  Access Grant
  •  Pack Advantage


  •  Federal Subsidized Direct Loan
  •  Federal Unsubsidized Direct Loan
  •  Federal PLUS Loan
  •  Federal Graduate PLUS Loan
  •  University Loan
  •  Garvey-Rhodes and Blundell Undergraduate Loans

Federal Work Study

The Federal Work-Study program is available for students who demonstrate a significant financial need. Students are able to work both on and off campus to earn money to help pay for college-related expenses. The pay is at least the current federal minimum wage and students are typically paid every other week. The actual pay varies on the employer, position, job tasks, and student qualifications.

Graduates of the bachelor’s degree in behavior analysis are skilled professionals who have the ability to meet the needs of the community and make a significant impact on the science field, specifically behavior analysis practice. The Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a concentration in Behavior Analysis at the University of Nevada prepares students for graduate study in the field or paraprofessional careers.